Friday, October 3, 2008

The basic process of graphic design

The basic process of graphic design in terms of Communication Theory: it is the role of the designer to maximize the effectiveness of the total transmission, What he starts with is the alphasignal, the content devised generally by someone else. What he deliberately adds is parasignaI, the form devised by himself as his
contribution to increased effectiveness. What he injects of his own personality, his own idiosyncrasy his own eccentricity, coincidentally in the process, is infrasignal. It is to be hoped, if he does get some infrasignal in his work, that it is positive, that is, an asset. It is the mark of a good graphic designer to make sure that his work radiates no negative infrasignal.

Reference: Alphasignal, Parasignal, Infrasignal: Notes Toward a Theory of Communication By Crawford Dunn

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