Wednesday, August 26, 2009

AE Design Workflow & Exercise

The AE Design Workflow:
1. Import & organize footage
2. Create compositions & arrange layers
3. Add special effects & presets
4. Animate elements & Adjust properties
5. RAM Preview
6. Render & Output final composition

Create a five second video that animates your name.
Use one Text Animation Preset
Include a background picture.
Save the video to your USB drive.
Create a YouTube account and post the video.

Remember the AE Design Workflow:
1. Import files into the Project panel
2. Create Comps and arrange layers
3. Add Effects and Presets to the layers
4. Adjust Properties and add Keyframes
5. RAM Preview your composition
6. Render the final video

Other To Do's:
1. View the Project references/examples on the blog.
2. Start all projects today, and DesignThink about how the projects may be unified within one grande concept.
3. View all the text animation presets.
4. Practice, practice, practice
5. Make notes based upon what you have learned.
6. Share what you have learned with someone.

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