Monday, September 8, 2008

Week 02: Animation & The Poem

What we covered in class this week:
1) Review design process (6 steps) see video: design-process

2) Viewed animated type from our explorations last week.

3) Discussed some aspects to consider when sketching the animation
• x, y, z planes
• past, present, future ( simulated by how the type enters, holds, and leaves the stage)
• movement of objects and symbols: stillness ( moving hold), up/down, sideways, movie clip, colour shifting, morphing, transparency
4) Shared poems & created an animated sketch of two poems

5) Animation techniques: Squash & Stretch, Ease-In With Anticipation

Squash & Stretch:

Ease-in with anticipation:

6) Begin animating the poem using Flash

What's due for next class:
• Animated poem sketch, describing all the animation effects with a rationale for each movement.

Other things I should do this week:
• Check out YouTube, ... try searching with the words Kinetic Type, Kinetic Typography, Kinetic Poetry.
• Bring headphones to each class.
• View the YouTube video's on this site.
• Eat healthy, get lots of sleep, and start the project now!!!

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