A NOTE on Mattes
Any image that is used to define transparency in another image is called a MATTE.
A matte's alpha or luminance information is used to define transparency in the fill layer.
[In the Timeline, the fill layer is the image layer directly below the matte layer.]
Black defines transparent areas; white defines opaque areas.
If the matte is inverted, white will determine transparent areas.
In Illustrator,
Create star shape, with a filmstrip stroke.
In AE,
Create an image with a Luma Matte.
I. theMatteComp
[ this comp will hold only the theMatte.ai file]
1. Command & N to create a new composition
2. Name the composition theMatteComp.
3. Drag theMatte.ai file to the TImeline
II. MatteWithImage
[ contains theMatteComp and an image (leaves & water)]
1. Command & N to create a new composition
2. Name the composition MatteWithImage.
3. Drag theMatteComp to the Timeline, layer 1
4. Drag image.jpg to the Timeline, layer 2
5. Set the TrkMat switch to: Luma Matte "theMatteComp"
II. LumaMatte
[ contains MatteWithImage and an image (leaves)]
1. Command & N to create a new composition
2. Name the composition LumaMatte.
3. Drag MatteWithImage to the Timeline, layer 1
4. Drag image.jpg (leaves with shadow figure) to the Timeline, layer 2
5. Scale up the MatteWithImage 200%
Great JAM last night... !!!!!!!!
Great jam...
Crossroads... Before you accuse me... Voodoo Chile... and a whole ton of
new jam ideas...
thanks to Justin... Turk... Jesse...
15 years ago
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