Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Week 01: Creativity & The Narrative

What we discussed in class today:
1) i3 = imagination, intuition, inspiration
2) r3 = release (let go of old paradigms, designs, images, ideas, clear the space, get open, get out of the way) , receive (wisdom, illumination, new knowledge, skills, i3) , return( share findings with others, community, give back to those in need, teach someone else about what you have learned).
3) UNITY: the highest and absolute end of all design principles.
4) Design process ( 6 steps)

5) MULTIMEDIA: We will search for unity across multiple mediums.
6) NARRATIVE: Imagine there is ONE EARTH SPIRIT speaking/telling the story. What are you hearing and seeing?
7) DEEP, WIDE, HIGH: Look here for the narrative.


What we did:
• We reviewed the course outline and discussed project #1
• We looked at examples of kinetic typography from Carnegie Mellon, and from GBC multimedia students.
See http://kinetictype.blogspot.com/
• We went to the King Street Park searching for letterforms in the natural world and recorded them.

What's due for next class:
• Three examples of animated letters found in the natural world. The animation must include the photo image, the traced bitmap, and the letterform.
• Poem for use in the four projects. This may be a song lyric, poem, dialogue from a movie or podcast, or original composition.

Other things I should do this week:
• Check out YouTube, ... try searching with the words Kinetic Type, Kinetic Typography, Kinetic Poetry.
• Bring a camera and headphones to each class.
• View the YouTube video's on this site.
• Eat healthy, get lots of sleep, and start the projects now!!!

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