Sunday, November 29, 2009

Week #13: Time Stretch, Time Remap, Time Warp

Three ways to work with time:


TIME STRETCH alters the duration (and therefore speed)
BUT, it does not let you animate the retiming itself, that requires TIME REMAP, or TIMEWARP

locate the icons on bottom left of the TImeline
In/Out/Duration Stretch columns

1. Place the CTI in the Timeline frame
2. Change the Stretch % (Change the Stretch value from 100% to 300% to slow or stretch it out)

This sets two Time Remap keyframes
the final keyframe becomes the HOLD keyframe.
you can then scale (pick up the clip and drag it down the timeline) the layer length beyond the last frame.

Select the layer, and apply TIME REMAP,
Layer > Time > Enable Time Remapping
move the keyframes together to speed up the area inbetween the keyframes.

EXAMPLE: Place the keyframes together at the beginning, and the video will speed through the entire clip, then hold on the last frame for the time after the second keyframe.

Effect > Time > Timewarp
Usually used for slowing down ( using a value of less than 100)
1. first apply TIME REMAP Layer > Time > Enable Time Remapping
(don't worry, TIME WARP will over ride the TIME REMAP settings)
2. then apply TIME WARP Effect > Time > Timewarp
3. reduce Speed property
4. Extend the length of the clip in the Timeline to accommodate the new ( reduced) time.

EXAMPLE: reduce Speed to 50.00, and drag out the clip


NOTE: may need to Preserve Frame Rate for nested clips
Composition Settings > Advanced panel and toggle Preserve Frame Rate When Nested

You can also FREEZE FRAME
Layer > Time > Freeze Frame
creates a similar effect as Time Remap at the CTI, when selected.

Week #13: Difference Animation HOW TO

This process compares the two images, and removes everything that matches identically, leaving only the foreground object/actor.


Both shots are Locked-off
NOTE: a "clean" background is referred to as a clean plate

These shots are as follows:
Frame two shots. These shots must be locked-off or motion stabilized to match.
Any offset will cause the matte effect not to work properly.

Layer 1 holds the animation ( Screen with actor in front of it)
Duplicate the layer.
Layer 2 holds the freeze frame (Screen has no actor in front of it)

Create the Freeze Frame
Layer 2 will hold the freeze frame layer.
In the Timeline place the CTI in a frame with no object/actor. It should be a clean view of the background.
select Layer > Time > Freeze Frame
[RESULT: a square is placed in the Timeline at the CTI location ]

Apply the Difference Matte Effect
1. Apply Effect > Keying > Difference Matte to layer 1 (the layer with the animation)

Change the Difference Layer setting in the Effects Controls
2. In the Difference Matte Effect Controls for layer 1, Difference Layer to 2. freeze frame
Adjust Tolerance ( Increase/decrease %) to fine tune the image

Animation to Disappear
Set a couple keyframes to increase Difference properties to have the object disappear
In Layer 1,
adjust the Effects, Difference MAtte,
_ increase Matching Tolerance
_ increase Matching Softness
_ increase Blur Before Difference

Week #13: Wiggle Expression

Wiggle() adds smooth randomness to animations.

In our basic example, wiggle includes two parameters: frequency and amplitude.
wiggle(frequency, amplitude)

A wiggle expression animates a camera, light, and shape.
Shape: position and scale are animated using wiggle()
Camera: Z rotation is animated using wiggle()

Week #13: Difference Matte

This example is created using a difference matte.
The sound is created in Garageband.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Week #12: The Tracker: Stabilize

In this example, the Tracker is used to stabilize a clip that was taken from boat.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Week #12: Motion Tracking

• New Project
• Import video
• COMMAND & N, [New Comp]
• Drag video clip into Timeline
• COMMAND & K [set comp time to the clip time, ex. 27;15]
• Add text
• Add Null layer: SHIFT & OPTION & COMMAND & Y or Layer > New > Null Object
• Set the parent of the text layer, to layer Null
• Place CTI at the beginning of the video clip
• Double-click the video clip layer and then open the Tracker Panel
• Tracker Panel:
-- Click Track Motion button
-- Select Position
-- Edit Target: Null layer
-- Motion Target should now read: Motion Target: Null
-- Analyze
-- Apply

Video example:
The phrase "the leaf" is tracking a leaf of the plant.
The word "cloud" is tracking one of the clouds.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Soul-Mapping Exercise... to get at the center point.

1. It starts with choosing a keyword from the proposed "kinetic" poem.
2. With four coloured markers, choose a colour and write your keyword from your poem, on the board, around (not in) the circle.
3. Outside of the circle, on another board, group the words by colour, and locate a new story with only these words.
4. In the next inner circle, put a word from each group that feels to be the keyword of the "coloured words" story.
5. In the next inner circle, use a word to describe what might be in the center of the circle.
6. We arrived at an energy of SELF/NO-SELF to be in the center.
7. What is the point in the center of all this? (TO BE DETERMINED IN A FUTURE EXERCISE)


Thursday, November 5, 2009

KINETIC TYPE project is now due Week #11

The due date for the KINETIC TYPE project is now due Week #11, to help students complete their thesis proposals for this coming week.

Week #10: Green Screen & Colour Keying

This week, be prepared to shoot some green screen.

TO DO: Bring objects to film in front of a green screen, plus we will film each other in front of a green screen, then key out the green and use the video in our TITLES project.

The green screen room is booked for us to use.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Animated Text Matte


1. Type the word DIGITAL into a Comp

Fill Comp
1. Layer > New > Solid
2. Double-click the layer to paint on the layer
3. Select a brush
4. Paint some random lines
5. In the Effects & Presets Panel type wiggle, and choose wiggle-gelatin, to wiggle the solid.

Final Text Comp
1. Drag DIGITAL Comp into layer 1
2. Drag Fill Comp into layer 2
3. Set TrkMat in Fill Comp layer to Luma
4. Drag Fill Comp into layer 3, to act as a background
5. Apply Effect > Blur & Sharpen > Gaussian Blur to the background layer


Week #9: Luma Matte

A NOTE on Mattes

Any image that is used to define transparency in another image is called a MATTE.

A matte's alpha or luminance information is used to define transparency in the fill layer.
[In the Timeline, the fill layer is the image layer directly below the matte layer.]
Black defines transparent areas; white defines opaque areas.
If the matte is inverted, white will determine transparent areas.


In Illustrator,
Create star shape, with a filmstrip stroke.

In AE,
Create an image with a Luma Matte.

I. theMatteComp
[ this comp will hold only the file]
1. Command & N to create a new composition
2. Name the composition theMatteComp.
3. Drag file to the TImeline


II. MatteWithImage
[ contains theMatteComp and an image (leaves & water)]
1. Command & N to create a new composition
2. Name the composition MatteWithImage.
3. Drag theMatteComp to the Timeline, layer 1
4. Drag image.jpg to the Timeline, layer 2
5. Set the TrkMat switch to: Luma Matte "theMatteComp"


II. LumaMatte
[ contains MatteWithImage and an image (leaves)]
1. Command & N to create a new composition
2. Name the composition LumaMatte.
3. Drag MatteWithImage to the Timeline, layer 1
4. Drag image.jpg (leaves with shadow figure) to the Timeline, layer 2
5. Scale up the MatteWithImage 200%

